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Lyme Bay Solutions Ltd

Chrysopa x10,000 (Chrysoperla carnea)

Chrysopa x10,000 (Chrysoperla carnea)

Regular price £168.35 GBP
Regular price Sale price £168.35 GBP
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Chrysopa is a predatory lacewing, for the control of aphids. Also feeds on mealybugs, thrips and other insects. Larvae of the lacewing attack their prey and suck their body fluids.

Directions for use


  • Shake the bottle or bucket gently before use
  • Apply on infested leaves
  • For hotspot treatments, apply Chrysopa directly in the heavily affected areas
  • The product can be applied on the rock wool slabs, on leaves, via Dibox application boxes or distributed by Natutec AiroBreez


The dosage of Chrysopa depends on climate, crop and pest density and should always be adjusted to the particular situation. Start introduction as soon as the first pests are detected in the crop. Introduction rates typically range from 2-20 per m2/release. Releases should be made in infested areas only and repeated at weekly intervals until control is achieved. Consult a Koppert advisor or a recognized distributor of Koppert products for advice on the best strategy for your situation.

Environmental conditions

Chrysoperla carnea is effective in a wide temperature range including low temperatures (average > 12°C. It is most effective at 20-28°C.

Combined use

Can be used in combination with other aphid biocontrol agents.

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